Image c/o Fino Restaurant

Website: Fino Restaurant

Address: Oia 847 01, Greece

Reservations required? No, but highly recommended

Phone: +30 2286 072037

Would I recommend? Yes

When we arrived into Santorini, we were a little overwhelmed with the restaurant options. Having had some of the most delicious food of my life, I knew I didn’t want to leave it up to chance and end up in a tourist trap regretting everything. Canaves Oia Epitome did an excellent job helping us to figure out where and what to eat. They assisted with getting us last minute reservations when required as well! Huge shout out to them for sending us to this amazing restaurant!

Fino Restaurant is located in Oia right in the tourist streets. It is known for its delicious Mediterranean cuisine and intriguing signature cocktails. We ordered the Mexican Zombie signature cocktail on a suggestion from the shuttle driver at the hotel. When we told the server who recommended it, he said “Oh! I know him!”. Too funny that Santorini also has those “small town vibes”.


For my drink, I had the Mexican Zombie 🧟‍♀️.

We started with fresh bread and seared tuna 🍣. We also had the ricotta gnocchi in goat and truffle pekorino cheese 🧀 topped with sun dried figs. Omg so good. Gnocchi is always a fav!

For my main course, I had the grilled chicken with avocado 🥑 salad and Kayla had the Iberian pork ragout with rigatoni and a sweet and sour sauce.

Dessert was a delicious baklava 😋. Notice the detail on the ice cream!


Image c/o Mystique

Website: Lure Restaurant

Address: Oia 847 02, Greece

Reservations required? Yes

Phone: +30 2286 071114

Would I recommend? Yes

Lure by Chef Olivier Campanha is located in Oia, Santorini on the cliffside overlooking the caldera. The views and the food were simply spectacular! I am so grateful to have gotten to experience this restaurant first hand. If you are looking for a fine-dining experience while in Santorini, then Lure is an amazing option!

Grab yourself a seat here to witness the most amazing sunset!


We started with a pallet cleanser and some fresh sourdough bread. Omg, it was so good! The bread was accompanied by two types of sea salt, some fresh olive oil, and butter.

For our main dish, I ordered the free range chicken breast topped with thyme jus and Naxos gruyere. It came with a side of asparagus and roasted cherry tomatoes. My cousin, Kayla, ordered the Black Angus beef filet with pepper crust, potatoes Anna, fresh slim amaranth, and onion chlorophyll. Both dishes were yummy!

For dessert, a bitter chocolate sphere with milk chocolate mousse and salted caramel sauce topped with a flower honeycomb.


Website: Armeni Restaurant

Address: Armeni Bay, Oía 847 02, Greece

Reservations required? Yes

Phone: +30 2286 071053

Would I recommend? 1000%

To get to this off-the-beaten path restaurant, take the long hike down the cliffside in Oia or take the ferryboat from Ammoundi Bay. When we went, it was super windy outside so the ferry was not running. While the hike down was not too bad, the hike back up almost did me in! The views are phenomenal though so you have plenty of opportunities to stop and enjoy them on your way back to Oia.

This was such an amazing experience to eat here and watch the waves crash against the dock. It was so peaceful and the food was delicious. Definitely add this one to your “must eats” when in Santorini! You will not be disappointed!


We ordered the spicy feta dip to start. While in Greece, we ordered the spicy feta dip several times at multiple restaurants and it was always fantastic!

I had heard that the octopus in Santorini was divine and that I should give it another shot. The first time that I tried octopus, I found it to be very tough and chewy. This on the other hand was very fresh and delicious!

For my main dish, I had the chicken souvlaki. It was grilled to perfection!

We hadn’t planned on ordering dessert, but they brought out a complementary chocolate ice cream cake that was wonderful!


We just returned from our 2 week babymoon to Croatia. What a wonderful country! From the people to the sites, to the food, it was all-around an amazing experience.

While traveling during normal times can have it’s challenges, traveling during a worldwide pandemic can especially be challenging.

Despite the extra hoops to jump through, my husband and I really wanted to travel somewhere before we welcome our new addition in January. This trip was planned and replanned probably 7 times at least. We started off originally going on safari in Kenya and then ending the trip in Oman. While Kenya reopened to tourists starting September 1, they omitted US citizens coming from Texas and California and a couple other states. Option 2 was Hawaii. I planned a full 2 week itinerary to Kauai as their quarantine was to be lifted on August 31st. Around mid-August, the governor instituted a mandatory inter-island quarantine for anyone traveling from Maui to Kauai. While we were not going to Maui and therefore did not need to quarantine, all the tour companies cancelled our excursions and restaurants began to close.

After planning several extensive itineraries, I began to get discouraged as it didn’t look as if any travel plans that I made were going to come to fruition. I told my husband ok so last ditch effort, we are going to Croatia! If that doesn’t work out, then we’re spending 2 weeks in Tulum in Mexico in a beach house haha. Putting together custom itineraries is a very time consuming process with all the research that goes into it, so as you can imagine, I was getting burnt out.


I began to research the specifics on what we would need to get into Croatia and how we were going to get there. First off - COVID testing requirements. In order to enter Croatia, you can bypass the mandatory 14 day quarantine by getting a negative COVID PCR test within 48 hours of crossing the border OR you can enter the country with an “expired” negative result and retest on arrival. If you choose option 2, then you have to quarantine until the results are available.

This part isn’t super complicated unless you are leaving on a holiday (Labor Day) and all the labs are closed. Due to our flights, which I will talk about next, we had to take a test and have the results on the day of our flight, which was Labor Day. I had to find a place that offered COVID testing for people that are not experiencing symptoms that also had their own in house lab and that was open on a holiday. Are you overwhelmed yet? LOL. Anything is possible though when you really want to go somewhere!


With testing figured out, next up was our flights. Due to travel restrictions and lack of travelers, flights were getting cancelled left and right. There are no direct flights from Dallas to Croatia and all the ones with stops had a very long layover (I’m talking 30+ hours to get there) and were also very expensive. A travel hack that I’ve learned is to find a direct flight into a popular European hub (such as London or Paris) and then search for a flight on a local airline such as Easyjet or Ryan Air. Flights intra-Europe can be extremely cheap if you use this option. For example, our flight from Pula, Croatia to LHR was 8 euro! For a flight that was showing as more than 2k on google flights to fly from DFW to Dubrovnik, I got for 70k AA points (~700 dollars) plus an additional 80 dollars pp.

We had originally booked a British Airways flight from LHR to Dubrovnik on the same day (so arriving on September 8th) but the UK re-instituted their quarantine coming from Croatia for their citizens so BA ended up canceling all of their flights to/from Croatia. Luckily, I was able to get a flight on EasyJet that left on September 9th from Gatwick to Dubrovnik. This is why we had to get our COVID tests the day of our flight to London since we wouldn’t be arriving into Croatia until 2 days later.

Excited about our first flight since February!

Excited about our first flight since February!

With flights booked and COVID test appointments made, the next thing to figure out was if we could transfer airports in London and how to do it. As I said, we were landing into LHR and our flight to Croatia wasn’t until the next day out of Gatwick. Gatwick airport is located south of London and there are several ways to get there during normal situations. One reason that we chose to fly into London was that US citizens can actually enter the UK, whereas, places like France and Germany we cannot. This was a contingency plan in case our flights were cancelled or there was a missed connection. If there is one thing I’ve learned from this experience, it was to have a backup plan for your backup plan. In order to figure out if we could transfer airports, I did a ton of research on my own but eventually resorted to trip advisor for some locals input.


In order to enter the UK, you had to fill out a locator form that had where you would be spending your time quarantining and for how long you would be in the UK. We were just staying for 24 hours so I filled out the paperwork with all of our information and submitted electronically 48 hours prior to arrival. The UK’s quarantine rules stated that you shouldn’t use public transportation in order to get to your quarantine location. When we arrived into London, we checked out prices on taxis (150 pounds is the standard rate) and then I checked Uber which was half the price. We ended up taking an Uber from Heathrow to Gatwick once we landed.

We were very nervous about the whole landing process and going through border control and then taxi-ing to our hotel. Concerns were: how strict will they be? how will we get food? what if our flight is cancelled?. The list goes on as I’m sure you can imagine.

Being nervous about everything, I had made and looked into several options if anything did happen. When landing in LHR, the border crossing was so smooth. It was like pre-pandemic except with less people. All the border guards were super chill. They asked if we’d filled out our locator form and to see it. I showed it to them and they asked where we were headed. We told them Croatia and they got very excited and wished us well on our journey. Like I said super easy! We made it through the border, grabbed our luggage, grabbed a quick breakfast, and then hoped in our Uber to head to Gatwick airport.

Hotels, EasyJet flight, and Croatia border crossing, to be continued in Part 2!


Disclaimer: This post contains Affiliate Links for products I’m currently using. By using these links you won’t pay any additional fees, but support me to keep this site running!

2020, the gift that keeps on giving. In all honesty, if it weren’t for the trip I planned over these 2 weeks getting cancelled no less than seven times, then I wouldn’t have looked into the sheer beauty and adventure that Croatia has to offer. What 2 weeks are these you ask? Well if you caught my Oman Itinerary, then you saw the original plan for our vacation. Once we found out that Oman was still closed to tourists and Kenya is not letting in Texans, we proceeded to option 2, Hawaii. Hawaii then extended its quarantine requirements. Long story short, here we are planning a fabulous trip to Croatia, which is currently open and accepting US tourists.

In order to go to Croatia, you must have a negative COVID PCR test within 48 hours of entering the country and fill out a form with the government detailing your trip (where you are staying and travel dates). Since I feel like things are changing on a daily basis, I would check the US Embassy’s website on travel to Croatia for the most up to date requirements.

Pro tip: When you are looking for flights into Croatia right now, you will see that the travel time is extraordinarily long. In order to get around that, book a direct flight into London and then take a European airline into Croatia. There are several starting points in Croatia so the destination is up to you!

Below I have outlined a rough itinerary for Croatia. I will follow up with more in-depth posts after we return!


Dubrovnik, Croatia

Here’s our itinerary :

Dubrovnik (4 nights)

Split (4 nights)

Plitvinc National Park (1 night)

Istra (3 nights)

Total days: 12



When arriving into Dubrovnik, we booked a private transfer with Octopus Transfers to our nearby hotel. I like to have a set transfer lined up after arriving into a new destination.

Today is super chill after arriving. Head to your hotel and then grab a quick easy dinner nearby.


We booked four nights at Hotel Excelsior. Another hotel that we considered was Kompas. These are two higher end luxury hotels but you can find a range of hotel options for Dubrovnik here or Airbnbs here.



Spend the day exploring Old Town. If you’re into Game of Thrones, Dubrovnik was the filming location for King’s Landing so there are some great GOT walking tours.

Another option would be to chill at the hotel for day and get over your jet lag 😅.

For dinner tonight, make reservations at Panorama Restaurant and Bar for sunset views of Dubrovnik.


We booked a private boat tour with Explore Dubrovnik to the Elaphiti Islands for the full day. I am so looking forward to this and can’t wait to report back on our trip!

Dinner at Taj Mahal tonight for some traditional Bosnian cuisine. They have two locations - Old City and Hotel Lero. Their Old City location is currently closed for renovations so we will be checking out their Hotel Lero location.


Explore the Old City some more today or walk the walls of the city. Get lost on some side streets or shop for some local souvenirs. Whatever you choose, enjoy your last day in King’s Landing.

For the last night in Dubrovnik, make reservations at Above 5 Rooftop Restaurant for a special treat before heading off to Split.



We booked an early morning private transfer with Octopus Transfers from Dubrovnik to Split. There are several ways to get to Split from Dubrovnik. We chose to do a private transfer as there is a border crossing with Bosnia on the way and at this moment if you’re driving your own car, then you will not be able to pass through with a US passport. Other options, besides driving, your own rental car and a private transfer, include a short flight or taking a ferry that stops along the way in Hvar. If you have extra time or want to spend a night in Hvar, then this would be the night to do it!

Once arriving into Split, drop your bags at the hotel and explore the city. If you have an extra day, then I would suggest a walking tour with Ivica.

We booked Hotel Park in Split for our stay but you can find other hotels here or Airbnbs here.

Split, Croatia


Full day tour to Hvar and Blue Cave - I hope you’re well rested!


DAY 7: krka national park

Today is a day trip to Krka National Park where you can currently swim. The Croatian government is talking about discontinuing this next year. Here is the tour we are doing that has a stop in Sibenik on the way to the national park.

Krka National Park


Today we are heading to Plitvinc National Park from Split. We are picking up a rental car for the remainder of our time in Croatia. You could also do a day trip from Split to Plitvinc but it is about 3 hours away so that would make for a long day in my opinion.

On our way there, we are making stops in Trogir and Paklenica. We decided to stay right outside the park for an early entry but you could also stay in Zadar or Sibenik as well.

There are several options for places to stay but we choice the Ethno Houses Plitvica Selo Deluxe. You can check out other options here.

day 9: plitvinc national park

Today we are starting off bright and early. Our park entrance tickets are for 7 am. This is so we can do a hike and then head out for Istra around noon.

We are planning to do the C Program on the lake routes. This starts at the north entrance and takes about 4-5 hours to complete. You can check out all the other routes here. Also, don’t forget to purchase your entry permit for the park as well.

Plitvinc National Park

day 10-12: istra

On day 11, spend your time in the Pula are touring some ancient Roman ruins and then head to Cape Kamenjak for some cliff jumping.
Day 12, spend the full day in Rovinj touring the beautiful cobblestone streets and relaxing.

If you need any help planning your own Croatia itinerary, then send me an email at

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