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For our Ultimate Ring Road Adventure, we rented a campervan from Cozy Campers. I have NEVER been camping before (not tent, not campervan, not motorhome), so I knew that this was definitely going to be an experience that I would never forget.

Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling-cozy campers-campervan-iceland camping-iceland roadtrip-iceland campervan roadtrip-road…

Just before we go into this packing guide, I want to talk about how disastrously we packed for this trip. First off, due to no fault of ours, the airline lost my husband’s bag and we didn’t get it for 5 days. This was even with taking a direct flight from DFW to Reykjavik. We couldn’t believe it! Just a heads up, if the airline loses your bag, make 100 percent sure that you grab some underwear and socks before you leave Reykjavik otherwise you will be SOL. Seriously, we did not find underwear for him until night four, when we finally found some at a local grocery store in the small town of Höfn. This sucks, especially if you’re planning on doing a lot of daily hiking and you’re staying in a campervan at campsites that either don’t have washers/dryers or they’re not working. (This is the problem that we ran into. The campsites would have washers but no dryers or they just were not working at all. -sigh)

We packed two HUGE suitcases! I’m talking, I brought my Away medium suitcase and my husband brought a large duffel that had rolling wheels. Not only did we have two large suitcases, but we had also rented a grill. We rented the Cozy 5, which looks huge online, so I thought that we would have a ton of room -WRONG! Along with the suitcases and grill, we also brought a duffel that was filled with food, as well as 2 backpacks. Bear in mind, when you’re getting ready for bed, you have to move all of this stuff to pull out the bed and to have room to move. Every night before we went to bed, we had to move all of this stuff. Mostly, it went into the front of the van to then again be pulled out in the am, but some had to stay in the back due to space limitations.

Bottom-line: If you’re renting a campervan, don’t be like us! Pack light and be intentional with your packing! If you can fit everything into a carry-on, then I highly recommend this, but if not, then I would recommend some soft-sided luggage that is easily malleable to fit the confined space.

TIP: If I had one piece of advice for you, then it would be to get organized before heading out on the road.

Spacing issues aside, Cozy Campers was awesome! I was very nervous about this experience since I’ve never been camping or even glamping before. The first two nights were pretty rough to be honest just due to getting used to the van and getting organized. If I had to give you one piece of advice, then it would be to get organized before heading out on the road. Once you get on the road, it will be non-stop sightseeing and you will not want to waste time re-organizing all of your things on a daily basis. Around night three of our trip, however, the campervan began to feel very comfortable and homey and I really enjoyed sleeping in it (and cooking in it, and dressing in it, etc. -HAHA).

Some more food for thought as far as the campervan goes, I would recommend getting the 4x4 so that you can hit up the F-roads! This is where all the remote spots are located for some great hiking, views, and possibly a secret hot spring.

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The packing list below are the necessities for a trip to Iceland. The weather is unpredictable in Iceland and changes daily, if not hourly, so I recommend to pack in layers to be most comfortable.



Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling-cozy campers-campervan-iceland camping-iceland roadtrip-iceland campervan roadtrip-road…


What do you think about my packing list? Anything that I left out or you feel is an essential? Let me know in the comments below!


I was born in Mississippi but raised a Tennessee girl! I attended undergrad at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where I received my degree in Biochemistry. I then proceeded to go to pharmacy school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center with my last 3 years in Knoxville. (Go VOLS!) 6 years ago I followed my sweetheart to Dallas, Texas, where I have been ever since!

I am currently a practicing Inpatient Pharmacist with a love for traveling. I love to get off the beaten path and go places/do things that are not the normal “tourist” thing to do. I love hiking and adventure travel!

Follow me: @thatblondetravels

Disclaimer: This Iceland Packing List contains Affiliate Links for services and products I’m using on my travels – therefore I can highly recommend using them. By using these links you won’t pay any additional fees but support me to keep this site running!


Written by: Lauren Bailey

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ICELAND - the land of FIRE and ICE. We spent a wonderful and adventurous 9 days in Iceland over Labor Day (You can find the blog post here.)

Our time was filled with numerous hikes, beautiful sunsets, and breathtaking views. One of our most memorable experiences was our day with Southcoast Adventures!

Spectacular hiking options and adventurous rides over various un-bridged glacial rivers.

Porsmork superjeef adventure with Southcoast Adventures

Southcoast Adventures Gljúfrabúi base is located down the road from the famous Seljalandsfoss waterfall. There is an amazing campground that is located at this base (Hamragarðar Campsite) that sits below the Gljúfrabúi waterfall. You can park your camper van here for the night while you spend a full day in þórsmörk hiking.

Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling

TIP: Spending the night camping at Hamragarðar Campsite allows you to beat the crowds at Seljalandsfoss and Gljúfrabúi waterfalls

Our Þórsmörk superjeep adventure started first thing in the morning with a 45 minute drive from Gljúfrabúi base to Þórsmörk, which is the sight of many trail heads.

The drive to Þórsmörk itself is quite entertaining! You’re fording rivers and going over large rocks down one of Iceland’s F-roads all while spotting glaciers and mountains in the distance.

Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling
Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling

We did several hikes during our time in Þórsmörk valley. The main one that we did was . This is the longest of the most popular ‘short hikes’ in the area (around 10km) usually starting in the canyon valley. We started in Húsadalur and made our way to a delicious lunch at Húsdalur at Volcano Huts cabin. Our guide was Darri and he kept us entertained all day with stories of Icelandic Trolls (The Christmas story was especially entertaining.) and normal day to day life in Iceland.

Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling
Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling

My husband’s bag was lost for the whole first five days of our trip so we had to cut our hiking day short. Just a heads up, there is no where to buy men’s underwear in Iceland - HaHa! (We finally found some at a local grocery store on night four!)

We had enough time to stop by a small canyon on the way back to Gljúfrabúi base, however. The canyon involves some jumping from rock to rock over a small creek/river. Once inside the canyon, you use this chain that has been bolted into the side of the canyon in order to pull yourself up over a small waterfall to see the much larger waterfall. It was gorgeous!

Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling
Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling
Iceland-land of fire and ice-ring road adventure-ring road-self drive-hiking-active travel-travel-adventure travel-traveling-luxury travel-travel agent-traveling

If I could do this trip all over again, I would spend a couple days in Þórsmörk taking in all the sights and doing multiple hiking trails. Everywhere you turn, the views are incredible and all so different. I would have to say this is probably the most favorite hike that I have ever done.


I was born in Mississippi but raised a Tennessee girl! I attended undergrad at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where I received my degree in Biochemistry. I then proceeded to go to pharmacy school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center with my last 3 years in Knoxville. (Go VOLS!) 6 years ago I followed my sweetheart to Dallas, Texas, where I have been ever since!

I am currently a practicing Inpatient Pharmacist with a love for traveling. I love to get off the beaten path and go places/do things that are not the normal “tourist” thing to do. I love hiking and adventure travel!

Follow me: @thatblondetravels