That Blonde Travels

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Written by Lauren Bailey

When I was in Prague back in March, we went to one of the most interesting bars that I have ever been. While Prague has some very intriguing bars all around, I found that the Shrink’s Office was thought-provoking to say the least.

C/O Shrink’s Office

The Shrink’s Office has more of a speakeasy feel than a bar scene. When you enter from the street, you walk into a small bar area and then you walk straight back to the wall where there is a cage and a demon image on the wall. A little disturbing, but it was fine. We rang the doorbell and the wall opens. You are then led down a narrow staircase to a bar/lounge area that is almost pitch black.

Interestingly, the menus are Rorschach tests (Ink Blot Tests). They have no information on them and you order your drink based on the photo that you are most drawn to. (Don’t worry, if you are having trouble the server will definitely help!)

Of course, I would pick the most brightly colored one where the center resembles a pineapple. Ha! Once the drinks came out, they were all so different from what you would expect! Mine was the martini looking one, Wendi’s was the banana pudding looking one, Lauren’s was the spaceship, and Neena’s was the most normal of all of them resembling an Old Fashion.

If you’re heading to Prague anytime soon, then I highly recommend checking this place out!

C/O Shrink’s Office

AnonymouS Shrink's Office

Cocktail Therapy

Phone: +420 608 911 884 Booking

Location: Jungmannova 11, Prague 1

Website: AnonymouS Shrink’s Office