That Blonde Travels

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Website: Armeni Restaurant

Address: Armeni Bay, Oía 847 02, Greece

Reservations required? Yes

Phone: +30 2286 071053

Would I recommend? 1000%

To get to this off-the-beaten path restaurant, take the long hike down the cliffside in Oia or take the ferryboat from Ammoundi Bay. When we went, it was super windy outside so the ferry was not running. While the hike down was not too bad, the hike back up almost did me in! The views are phenomenal though so you have plenty of opportunities to stop and enjoy them on your way back to Oia.

This was such an amazing experience to eat here and watch the waves crash against the dock. It was so peaceful and the food was delicious. Definitely add this one to your “must eats” when in Santorini! You will not be disappointed!


We ordered the spicy feta dip to start. While in Greece, we ordered the spicy feta dip several times at multiple restaurants and it was always fantastic!

I had heard that the octopus in Santorini was divine and that I should give it another shot. The first time that I tried octopus, I found it to be very tough and chewy. This on the other hand was very fresh and delicious!

For my main dish, I had the chicken souvlaki. It was grilled to perfection!

We hadn’t planned on ordering dessert, but they brought out a complementary chocolate ice cream cake that was wonderful!